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  • Writer's pictureRahil Sheikh

7 Tips To Adjusting To New Hearing Aids

Some of the things that shock most people is the fact that it takes some time to get used to with the hearing aids, especially if one has never used them before. The first stage is not only learning how the devices function and react but also remind the brain of sounds it may have never processed. The hearing care professional will be an important ally during this transition period. You can always talk to them between the appointments if you have any questions or issues.

The Biggest Change: Your Own Voice

Another major aspect that is immediately apparent when one begins to use hearing aids is the sound of one’s own voice. First of all, you may feel that it is unfamiliar, sharper, or deeper than before. Speaking might also be affected and chewing and swallowing might sound louder. These sensations, though may initially be uncomfortable may fade away as you adapt to the use of hearing aids. If they do not fade away, always seek the services of a hearing care professional.

Ways on How to Adapt to Hearing Aids

1. Start at Home

Start with your hearing aids in low noise areas, which you are comfortable with such as your home. Talk with someone individually and assure your family and friends that you are getting used to the new hearing aids. This can assist them in comprehending your process and the assistance that you may require. Another way is to read something out loud or just talk to your pet, this way you will start to get used to your own voice.

2. Give Yourself Homework

Improve your practice of listening by attempting to find the sources of different sounds around you. Listening to audiobooks or talk radio when alone is also useful in getting used to hearing aids.

3. Take Breaks

Begin by using the hearing aids for a few hours in a day then you can progress to the next level by using it for several hours in the day. Gradually increase the level of difficulty in the listening exercises as you progress through the sessions.

4. Attend Follow-Up Visits

 It is therefore important to have follow up visits with your hearing care professional. These appointments enable the identification of the sounds being heard and how they can be modified, the fitting of the hearing aids and ways of handling difficulties arising from various listening environments. Patients’ first follow-up appointment is usually scheduled within two weeks after the initial fitting.

5. Hearing Aids Care Classes

 In case your hearing care professional provides orientation classes for first-time hearing aid users, ensure that you attend them. These classes can greatly increase the level of satisfaction with your hearing aids.

6. Prepare for Some Frustration

Fitting in hearing aids is always a challenge, especially with background noise. Sounds such as that of a refrigerator or the sound of the air conditioning system may at first appear to be extremely loud. Your brain must go through a process of learning how to screen out background noises and pay attention to the right sounds. It is important to be patient and gradually expose the child to what they are afraid of.

7. Report Any Pain

Your hearing aids must be comfortable. However, it is normal to feel a little discomfort for the first few days after the surgery; any severe pain should be reported to your audiologist as soon as possible. Receiver-in-the-ear styles with domes are generally less uncomfortable and do not produce the ‘blocked’ sensation that can be obtained with a custom earmold.

New Hearing Aids: How to Help a Family Member

If your loved one is adjusting to new hearing aids, there are several ways you can help: If your loved one is adjusting to new hearing aids, there are several ways you can help:

  • Be Patient

 It may take some time and be rather frustrating when adapting to hearing aids. It goes a long way when you are patient with someone and encourage them when things are hard.

  • Offer a Listening Ear

 Ensure that you are around to listen to your loved one when they explode with anger and to encourage them.

  • Participate in Appointments

 Go with your loved one to the follow-up visits. This can be useful in case there are issues that people would want to be clarified or discussed.

  • Humor is probably the best thing that one can have in life and one should thus make sure that he/she does not lose it.

 Having some fun and laughing can reduce the tension during the period of adaptation.

  • Hearing loss and hearing aids

 It is important to familiarize yourself with hearing loss, hearing aids and such things as batteries. This knowledge can assist you in being a better support system.

  • Discuss the Benefits

 Hearing aids offer many health advantages because of treating auditory exclusion. Explain these benefits to the loved one so that he/she can embrace the change and see the positive side of it.

Hearing aid dissatisfaction and frustration causes

It can take longer to get used to hearing aids in contrast to eyeglasses because the brain must relearn sounds that it has not heard for a while. Furthermore, the feeling of having something in your ears is uncomfortable at first even though it is not painful. Some of the common complaints include discomfort, poor effectiveness in hearing improvement, and problems in controlling the devices. This shows that all these challenges can be rectified by a professional hearing care expert.


Loving Your Hearing Aids

Developing a positive relationship with your hearing aids is essential to battle hearing loss and Tinnitus involves:

  • Accepting Your Own Voice

 First, the voice may appear different or higher than it is, or it may be louder. Talk with your provider about any issues you may have, as your provider can modify the settings to make your voice sound more natural.

  • Ensuring Comfort

 No one should feel pain with hearing aids. If they are, discuss with your provider to change them.

  • Learning Proper Insertion

 One of the issues that those who have hearing aids encounter initially is how to properly insert them. It can be helped with practice and your provider’s directions.

Consider Auditory Rehabilitation

If one’s hearing has been poor for sometime, there is auditory training or rehabilitation. As any other physical organ, the auditory system, if not used, becomes weak; therefore, audiologists have to ‘exercise’ their organs.


Why See a Hearing Healthcare Professional

Hearing loss also differs from one person to another, just like the differences in spectacles. A hearing healthcare professional can identify your hearing loss, suggest the perfect hearing aid for you and even monitor your progress with the hearing aids.

Some people might be suffering from Tinnitus, and might require different types of hearing aids, and that’s where the hearing healthcare professional comes in clutch, as he can help in identifying the best hearing aids for you.

If you have hearing aids but you are not happy with the outcome, do not despair. You should consult your hearing healthcare professional for any changes and assistance. ‘’There is help and hope for a better life’’ Case.

To get directions to where you can get help from a specialist in your area, go to a directory of hearing specialists and clinics. Do not lose hope, with time, determination, and the help of a hearing care professional, you will get used to your new hearing aids.


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