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  • Writer's pictureWidex Emirates Hearing Care

When Are Hearing Aid Machines Required? How To Choose the Right One?

hearing aid machines
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Hearing aid machines are small, wearable electronic machines that are designed to help you hear and communicate better. They will not restore your hearing or the normal functioning of your ear. That is very important to know. However, they will assist in making it easier for you to hear and to better understand speech. They amplify sounds and makes them clearer such as birds singing, bells ringing, or traffic noise. They include a microphone, an amplifier and speakers. The microphone picks up the sound and converts it to electronic signal. The amplifier- computer chip- processes the sound and boosts the signal, making the sound louder. The speaker sends the signals and delivers sound to your ear.

When should you wear hearing aid machines?

When hearing becomes a problem, this is when you should consider wearing hearing aid machines. Experiencing hearing loss forces you to think of hearing aids as a solution. They are recommended if your hearing test shows hearing loss on the audiogram. The audiogram is a chart that shows the results of hearing tests. Audiologists recommend them starting from the second level of hearing loss, which is the moderate one. They will specially program them to match the results of the hearing test.

Wearing them should not be occasionally. It should be consistent, so the brain gets used to it. The brain learns to recognize the new sounds it’s hearing, thus making them more acceptable. In the case of wearing them irregularly, the brain goes back to hearing loss mode, putting the wearer back to the beginning where he will have trouble hearing again. The more you wear them, the more natural it becomes.

How Do You Choose The Right One?

Your audiologist will help you choose the best hearing aid machine based on your needs and lifestyle. Usually, the type best for you depends on the type of hearing loss you have and its severity. You might need to wear in both ears or in one only. If you have hearing loss in both ears, it is expected to wear them in both. Wearing only one is inadequate. The life of a hearing aid machine lasts from 5 to 7 years. Some might still function after this time, while others might need repair, reprogramming or replacement.

Choosing the right one is critical. You have to choose the right size and fit. Hearing aid machines come in unique sizes and shapes. Not all of them fit your ear or rest comfortably behind your ear. Your audiologist will help you choose the top one. Some are very small and can completely fit in the ear canal or be hidden behind the ear with a tube connected to the ear canal. Bigger styles fit in the outer ear. Each style and design have its pros and cons.

You need to be aware of the different options and features they provide such as the volume, power and many other settings that use digital technology. Once you and your audiologist figure out what type of hearing aid machine you need, you can start checking the additional benefits or features that accompany them. Some of these include Bluetooth or wireless connectivity, rechargeable batteries, automatic volume adjustments, digital noise reduction, multiple listening programs and many others.

You should know how to regularly clean them and keep them maintained. Some of them are rechargeable hearing aids and some aren’t. You should select the right one and be sure to change the batteries when needed. Getting used to them is also tricky. Some adapt fast to them, while others might long time such as several weeks to adjust to the new hearing aid machines.

All of us, at one point, will start feeling we are losing our hearing. Many cues are a right indication that you NEED a hearing aid machine. You complain or feel annoyed from people who speak softly or who you think are mumbling. You frequently ask people to repeat themselves, specifically in noisy places. You prefer watching TV or listening to music louder than others. You cannot understand everything said to you on the phone. You find yourself more impatient and irritable than before. You cannot understand what the person facing you is talking if you cannot read lips.

Hearing aid machines will help you interact with the world around you in a better way. You will be able to participate more in social gatherings, thus increasing your communication with people and decreasing the risk of depression, social isolation or loneliness. You will simply have a better physical and mental health.

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